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The topics of the moment

Anaïs Libebe
Work-life balance

Work-life balance

As women researchers, do you have any recommendations on how to better balance work and private life?
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  • Work-life balance
Agata Szade


Hi, is there anybody who had Coursera last year and successfully applied again? I got a message from L'Oreal that I was selected, but few days after that a message  from Coursera saying: "Fondation L'Oréal has removed your membership in the The For Women in Science Academy program." Anybody in the same situation?
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Oumaïma Gharbi

ERC application experiences

Dear all,I would like to know if someone in our community tried to apply for an ERC grant ? I am thinking more and more about it (ERC starting) but I am also very nervous about this process. Unfortunately, everytime I convince myselft that I should try it, the impostor syndrome comes back and with this post I am looking for someone who can share her experience (sucessfull or not) and give some advice.Thank you !Best wishes,
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Nathalie Pettorelli
Partnerships/Collaborations opportunities

Interested in science communication?

Dear all,In 2011, Prof Seirian Sumner and I, both FWIS alumnae, co-founded Soapbox Science,  a public outreach festival for promoting women scientists and the science they do. It is a fresh, no-frills grass-roots approach to bringing science to all people on the streets, especially those who wouldn’t otherwise have come across science in their daily lives. Our Soapbox Scientists are real-life scientists, who are at the cutting-edge of scientific research. You can read more about it here: http://soapboxscience.org/Over the past 10 years Soapbox Science has been established in 56 cities across the world and it is always looking to expand. It has  so far involved over 1600 scientists and reached over 200,000 members of the public.  We are interested in hearing from academics who would like to establish an event in their local area; we are also currently recruiting our speakers for our 2022 edition.If this is something you'd be interested in, either as a speaker or as a local organiser, please do get in touch :)CheersNathalie
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  • Partnerships/Collaborations opportunities
Studies and Career

Poll: Individual vs. Teamwork Preferences

Dear all,I would like to ask: are you the type of person who prefers to work: alone?as a team?Cheers!
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  • Studies and Career
Partnerships/Collaborations opportunities

Partnerships/Collaborations opportunities

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  • Partnerships/Collaborations opportunities

Latest topics

Agata Szade


Hi, is there anybody who had Coursera last year and successfully applied again? I got a message from L'Oreal that I was selected, but few days after that a message  from Coursera saying: "Fondation L'Oréal has removed your membership in the The For Women in Science Academy program." Anybody in the same situation?
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  • The 28. July 2023 at 20:07
  • Miscellaneous/others
Studies and Career

Poll: Individual vs. Teamwork Preferences

Dear all,I would like to ask: are you the type of person who prefers to work: alone?as a team?Cheers!
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  • 308
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  • The 7. June 2023 at 14:50
  • Studies and Career
Oumaïma Gharbi

ERC application experiences

Dear all,I would like to know if someone in our community tried to apply for an ERC grant ? I am thinking more and more about it (ERC starting) but I am also very nervous about this process. Unfortunately, everytime I convince myselft that I should try it, the impostor syndrome comes back and with this post I am looking for someone who can share her experience (sucessfull or not) and give some advice.Thank you !Best wishes,
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  • The 23. March 2023 at 03:42
  • Miscellaneous/others
Nathalie Pettorelli
Partnerships/Collaborations opportunities

Interested in science communication?

Dear all,In 2011, Prof Seirian Sumner and I, both FWIS alumnae, co-founded Soapbox Science,  a public outreach festival for promoting women scientists and the science they do. It is a fresh, no-frills grass-roots approach to bringing science to all people on the streets, especially those who wouldn’t otherwise have come across science in their daily lives. Our Soapbox Scientists are real-life scientists, who are at the cutting-edge of scientific research. You can read more about it here: http://soapboxscience.org/Over the past 10 years Soapbox Science has been established in 56 cities across the world and it is always looking to expand. It has  so far involved over 1600 scientists and reached over 200,000 members of the public.  We are interested in hearing from academics who would like to establish an event in their local area; we are also currently recruiting our speakers for our 2022 edition.If this is something you'd be interested in, either as a speaker or as a local organiser, please do get in touch :)CheersNathalie
  • 17 Like
  • 2011
  • 2
  • The 30. May 2022 at 17:18
  • Partnerships/Collaborations opportunities

The subjects awaiting answers

Agata Szade

RNA sequencing - resources

Do you know any good resources/tutorials about RNA sequencing (including data analysis)?  There are so many websites, courses, but which one is the most useful? Maybe you've done some Coursera courses?I would be grateful for any tips :)
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  • Miscellaneous/others
Virginie Do

Obtaining UK Global Talent visa with L'Oreal-UNESCO award?

Hello,I am a French Young talent 2023 and I have a question regarding immigration to the UK for work. Has anyone successfully obtained a Global Talent visa for the UK? The UK gov website says that one can apply without endorsement if they won an eligible award. The list of eligible awards includes "L'Oreal-UNESCO Award For Women in Science", but it does not specify whether it includes or not Young Talent national awards. I suspect that it is not the case (because the other eligible awards are Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, or an Oscar), but still I was wondering if anyone already used a Young Talent award to obtain a visa.Thanks in advance!VirginieEDIT (20/02/2024) : I got my visa thanks to the prize!!
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Studies and Career

Finance my project product of my thesis

Dear,I am a Ph.D. and have a project going on training teachers and students and growing my partners' list. Do you know how I can finance my project, the product of my thesis? So that I can go on with my project?
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  • 251
  • Studies and Career
Partnerships/Collaborations opportunities

Financing the product of my thesis

Dear,I am a Ph.D. and have a project going on training teachers and students and growing my partners' list. Do you know how I can finance my project, the product of my thesis? So that I can go on with my project?
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  • 252
  • Partnerships/Collaborations opportunities

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