Work-life balance

Work-life balance
The 13. October 2020 at 20:53

As women researchers, do you have any recommendations on how to better balance work and private life?

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The 19. July 2022 at 19:55


I guess a lot of people have the same problem. As Olanike said, the proper time-management could help you a lot. There is a good Coursera course about time management, which could be useful:

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity | Coursera




The 25. February 2022 at 14:34

The concept of time management is a key factor here. work-life balance though remains a big challenge for women , yet both has to be attended to for a determined mind. I just have a zero mind that none must suffer, with that in mind...i find a way around to make both work..though not easy..but i kept going

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The 18. February 2022 at 18:19

My first response would be: be sure you have a family (husband? wife?) who share with you the responsibilities and the family duties.

Since I became a researcher (no longer a Post-Doc), I started working in the evening or in the week-ends but just for short time and just when I felt it was good for me and my children (2 boys, 4 and 7 years old). I mean, when the kids are looking at TV or playing together, why can't I analyze some data or write some ideas? I found out that I can concentrate even in few minutes. This is not always possible, I know. However, our job is always on, we cannot turn off our brains (thinking about research). Not easy at all, anyway.

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The 13. July 2021 at 23:05

I live close to where I work, my kids' (I have 3) schools are also close to where I work.  That way I can be present in their school activities and we save time on commute. I get to pick them up from school and put in a "second shift" of work in the evening if there is a need.

Also agree, you have to say no to a LOT of things.  Always think "would I rather do X than Y".  Don't just say yes because you are available, say yes only to things that you would really rather do  than something else.  

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The 7. July 2021 at 17:57

Thank you Joana and Fiona for your very interesting inputs ! 

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The 1. July 2021 at 09:25

Hi all,

As mothers (I have 3 kids) it important to put our limits very clear like: we can't work on weekends, we can't work on holidays, we can't work when the kids are sick.. Having only the school hours to work, we need to focus only on the most important. This means we can't feel bad for rejecting anything that is not absolutely crucial (like reviewing papers) and we can't lose time with details (like choose the style of a font). So in summary, set your limits and focus on the important! 

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The 29. June 2021 at 14:49

Hi Anais,

What works for me is to  somewhat integrate my work life and my private life so that I do not think of it as, "now I have stopped this part of me and I am beginning this other one." That may mean carrying work home sometimes and other times, I am carrying my private life to work e.g., bringing my family to my workplace so that they understand what I do at work etc.



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