... A firewoman ! An aerobatic pilot ! A researcher !
Last week, for the international girl child day, I had the immense chance to present what I do for a living to 10 year old kids in Boulogne-Billancourt. And my job seemed just as exciting as Elisa Tonnetot's, one of the two firewomen in a fire-station of over 100 firemen, and Dorine Bourneton, first handicapped woman aerobatic pilot :)
After discussing whether it was difficult to be a researcher or not, and whether it was more difficult as a woman or not, I visited with the kids the fascinating exhibit "Art and Science: they ["elles"] changed our lives", discovering the story of many women who changed the world, from bathing-suit to radioactivity (and of course Marie Curie !), through dishwasher and novel... And had to face tough questions for young passionate girls: what is DNA ? (this was in my range), what is a Higgs boson ? (that I was not so sure about !)
The key message of the day was "you can be whatever you want to be, as soon as you persevere, you are passionate, and curious". I am glad I was offer the chance to inspire the young ones, and cannot wait to participate to next year's edition. The plan is to also invite men who have "female jobs", and see why they also think that you can be whatever you want to be !
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