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Launch of The First UNESCO Chair In Haiti

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The Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies of Haiti (ISTEAH) recently launched

 the UNESCO Chair “Women and Science for Development”, the first UNESCO Chair initiated in Haiti.

We want to increase the presence of women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) through systemic campaigns and awareness-raising activities at all levels of the Haitian educational system, from elementary school to university” said Dr. Rose Michel Smith, in her capacity as chairholder. 

Launched in the presence of the Director General of the Ministry of National Education, Mr. Meniol Jeune, members of the Scientific Council, the International Steering Committee and representatives of UNESCO, this Chair, according to the wish of the initiators, must among other things encourage collaboration between academics and researchers at all levels to improve the quality of women’s studies and strengthen their leadership and influence in high-level positions in various fields.

The UNESCO Chair “Women and Science for Development” in Haiti joins the prestigious network of over 800 UNITWIN / UNESCO Chairs and Networks worldwide, of which less than 15 are dedicated to research on women and science.

Click here for full article

Source: India Education Diary Bureau Admin


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