Looking for a PostDoc and a PhD Student

Partnerships/Collaborations opportunities
The 4. January 2022 at 13:27

Dear FWIS Network,

I am looking for a PostDoc (4 years time contract)  and PhD student (4 years scholarship) to join our group at IBB PAS in Warsaw, Poland.  

We need enthusiastic people with expertise in evolution, protein science, mycology and computational biology to explore ancestral traits in early diverging fungi and their significance for infection.

The link for the detailed job descriptions can be found here:
PostDoc https://ibb.edu.pl/app/uploads/2021/12/20211216_opus_postdoc-am.pdf
PhD student https://ibb.edu.pl/app/uploads/2021/12/20211216_opus_doktorant-am.pdf

Please share this post within your network.

All the best in 2022!


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