UN-IATT on-line training sessions on STI policy and policy instruments for SDGs for the SADC region
Session 1: Current approaches to STI Policy making in the context of SDGs (6 December 2021)
Session 2: STI policy instruments design (7 December 2021)
Session 3: Innovation and entrepreneurship (8 December 2021)
Session 4: Implementation of STI policy and policy instruments for SDGs (9 December 2021)
Session 5: Monitoring and Evaluation of STI policies (10 December 2021)
Click here to register to the 7th module sessions, organized from 6 to 10 December
The training will be held at 3-5 pm Central Africa Time.
The training was organized under the STI Training Framework for STI Officials in SADC convened by SADC, UNESCO, UNESCO Chair Tshwane University of Technology, UN Inter-agency Task Team (IATT), and University of Sussex.
The five sessions are designed by the UN IATT Workstream on STI for SDGs Capacity Building.
Programme of the online training session