LATIN AMERICA - For Women in Science X Coursera

Visible link for participants
The registration deadline has expired.

Dear Alumnae, 

This year, the For Women in Science Community Platform is partnering with the  online learning platform Coursera to propose 250 licenses for a period of one year!

Coursera is an online educational content platform which offers diverse training certifications thanks to strong collaborations with the best universities worldwide. 

For this first year, we will propose 250 licenses distributed according to the number of Young Talents per region, and to local requests and needs.

We hope this opportunity will enable you to 

  • Develop and master soft skills,
  • Obtain valuable certificates,
  • Boost your career,
  • Boost your confidence,
  • Increase your visibility,
  • And break the glass ceiling faster.

It is a huge opportunity for you but also a commitment. 

Even if you will have access to the whole platform and courses, we will ask you to validate some certifying courses among the following themes: 

  • Personal development 
  • Team management
  • Leadership
  • Negotiation 
  • Communication (Media Training and Public Speaking)

As it is mentioned in the presentation hereby attached, you will have the choice between two formulae: 

  • The validation of two modules among those of less than 20H (with certification) 
  • The validation of one module among those over 20H (with certification)                                                      

IMPORTANT: Registration does NOT mean selection! The FWIS team will select the winners according to the above criteria. Alumnae who are not selected will automatically be placed on the waiting list. 

The licenses will be granted to some of you for one year with a probationary period of 6 months, during which you MUST follow and validate recommended courses in these fields. Should the probationary conditions not be met, the license will be offered to another Alumna.


FWIS events
Released on: FWIS Argentina , FWIS Brazil , FWIS Chile , FWIS Colombia , FWIS Mexico , FWIS Panama , FWIS Peru , FWIS Uruguay 
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